Session Lineup

2023 Session Lineup

Monday, January 9, 2023
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Location:  King Ballrooms.

Launch 5th Annual MFO Summit 2023 with Introduction by Ralph Herzka, Chairman and CEO, Meridian Capital Group and

Opening Remarks by the Honorable David Friedman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel

9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Location:  King Ballrooms

5th Annual MFO Summit 2023 Keynote Primer presented by Ted C. Jones, PhD, Chief Economist–Senior Vice President for Stewart Title Guaranty.  Don't miss this information-packed presentation featuring a wealth of data on today's evolving MF marketplace.

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: King Ballrooms

In the last year, the MF market has changed a lot.  This panel of industry experts will explore answers to the questions everyone is, or should be, asking.

  • Where is the market now?
  • Are deals too expensive to make money?
  • Is it possible to thrive in a high-interest-rate environment?
  • How do I make money in this new landscape?
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Location:  King Ballrooms

The playing field has changed.  Your game plan also needs to change.  This panel will discuss what is needed to successfully pilot assets through the turbulence.

  • How can I improve my cash flow and property value when expenses are skyrocketing and collection loss and vacancies are increasing?
  • What do I do with an existing property whose business plan is no longer achievable?  (Nobody wants to throw good money after bad.)
  • What does a Syndicator do with an asset that needs cash but is no longer worth what you paid for it? Knowing when to get out.
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Location:  King Ballrooms

Raising capital for today’s MF market is challenging.  Join this panel to explore today’s capital stack.

  • I want to buy.  How do I capitalize a deal?
  • Who is lending on what type of deals?
  • Does bridge debt make sense?
  • Is hard money back on the table?
  • What terms do Investors want to see for fresh deals? 
  • What concessions do Syndicators need to give to raise capital?
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Location:  King Ballrooms

When conditions change quickly, assets can face a number of adverse situations.  Join this panel to learn real solutions that can fix a plethora of challenges.

  • Non-Recourse Loans:  What lessons were learned from the last downturn?  
  • What do I do when my floating rate is out of control and I’ve blown through my cap? 
  • Syndicators: How do you balance your obligations to Investors and to Lenders?  (You signed the carve-outs; your investors didn’t.)
  • What is the best way to handle:  Investor demands to keep them from escalating; issues with Lenders and Investors; and loan problems?
  • How do I have a tough conversation with my Lender?
  • What should I NOT DO when putting cash into my property?
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Location:  Garden 1 

This Panel of Top Multi-Family Brokers – from different regions of the country -- will give their take on what is trending in their neck of the woods and where they see the Multi-Family market heading in 2023.  They will share how inflation and other economic factors are impacting different parts of the country.  They’ll also discuss where deals are getting done now as well as what areas  are  up-and-coming in the near future.